Guys, there has been a lot going on. Big things. I've been too busy to stop and take note of it all until now. I'll be brief.
- The feature documentary project I started into four years ago, Life on Bitcoin, was finally released. The film was released as a VidAngel original, part of their offering of original premium content. If you want a full update, and a good run-down of why it took so long, you can check out the update posted to our Kickstarter page.
- The TV show I co-created premiered five weeks ago! Tune in Tuesday nights at 8:30 MT to see The New Creatives, and exploration of creative the life and process.
- Beccy and I bought a house! It's old, and we're thoroughly renovating the entire place. We tore down walls. We ripped out the kitchen and the bathroom. We've laid new floor. It's been a challenging project, but we'll have just the home we want in just the right location when we're done... hopefully soon.
- We're headed to Canada soon for a family reunion. If you've never been to Banff, it's a thing to behold.
- Spider-Man: Homecoming was great. Ya'll should check it out.