As they say, "It's an honor to even be nominated".
YouTube just announced it's nominations for the most Iconic YouTube Ad of the past Ten Years. The original Orabrush Bad Breath Test video is among the nominees.
Do me a solid, head over and vote. Then share across your networks that Orabrush should win the #10YearsofYouTubeAds contest.
The Bad Breath Test video, filmed almost 6 years ago, was the thing that helped launch Orabrush from nothing to a multi-million dollar company (which was just acquired for millions of dollars). To this day, that video sells the Orabrush better than any other video we've produced, gaining 22 million views (and counting). It also launched a lot of great careers (including mine) and several more multi-million dollar businesses thereafter. Virtually ever career success I've had is in some way derivative of my work at Orabrush.
I'm really proud of the work we did at Orabrush, and it especially stands out in this contest. Of all the nominated videos, we're arguably the only group that wasn't promoting a household name or using a world class ad agency. We're ranked with the likes of Budweiser, T-Mobile, Old Spice, Nike, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo, Dove, and Pepsi, as well as ad agencies like CP+G, Wieden + Kennedy, and Buzzfeed. I'd say we did pretty good for a bunch of recent college grads and a retired inventor.
And in case you haven't seen it (or just want a little nostalgia) here's our ol' video below.